At Sabelax, we strive to offer our customers a satisfying and hassle-free shopping experience. If for any reason you are not completely satisfied with your purchase, we offer the possibility to return products in accordance with our detailed return and refund policy below:
Return Period: You have a period of 14 calendar days from the receipt of the product to request a return. Please contact our customer service team within this period to initiate the return process.
Return Conditions: Returned products must be in their original condition, unused, and in their original packaging. We reserve the right to reject returns that do not meet these conditions.
Return Process: To request a return, send an email to with the following information: order number, details of the product to be returned, and the reason for the return. Once the request is received, our team will contact you to provide the necessary instructions for sending the product.
Return by Mail: Returns will be made by mail. You must send the product to our address in Benalmádena, which will be provided by our customer service team. The estimated time for the return to reach our facilities and be processed is 2 to 3 business days once sent.
Returns of Purchases via Amazon: If your purchase was made through the Amazon platform, please notify us when requesting the return. In such cases, Amazon’s return policies will apply, and you will need to manage the return through your account on the platform.
This return and refund policy applies to all purchases made at Sabelax, except those specified as purchases through Amazon, where the return policies of that platform will apply.
If you have any additional questions or need assistance, do not hesitate to contact our customer service team. At Sabelax, your satisfaction is our priority.
Sincerely, Isabel Redondo CEO of Sabelax